Help my cousin buy old era laptop core 2 duo T8300 in instruction processor support sse 4.1 but when install android x86 its only support OpenGL 2 how solved this?
hi, could you also compile other kernel & mesa for A6 Remix OS (my specs: i5 7thGen). MLBB now loads but lags a bit & is stuck to a small resolution even if resized or full screened:
Anyone could you HELP ME! my country kinda more dumb about internet regulation mostly about Google are they want manupulate about information in internet so someone will never figure out about how corrupt this country.
You know the Treble GSI project is really interesting on mobile because it really makes the phone so free to custom even though no custom rom has been made for that phone yet.
You can use DSU for those who are afraid of the permanent bootloop risk
And you can use twrp for hardware freedom there are some hardware for example the output jack doesn't work in DSU mode