Android 7/8/9 TV x86

Distro Android 7/8/9 TV x86 (MOD by tok78)

Compatible With
with any old computers
Updating ATV builds for older computers.
1) ATV7 x86 32bit (with Leanback on Fire launcher)
2) ATV7 x86 32bit (with Projectivy Launcher)
If your app's does not appear on the launcher's desktop, you must go to Launcher Settings - > Main Screen - > Hidden Applications - > Show system and non-system TV applications (on). If Youtube doesn't work. Open X-Plore (app) looking for System - > App - > YouTube and press install.
3) ATV8 x86 32bit (with Google TV launcher)
4) ATV9 x86 64bit (with Google TV launcher)
The welcome screen can now be skipped (after installing Android) and instead of authorization you will be right on the launcher's desktop.
5) ATV9 x86 64bit (on Kernel 5.10 + Wifi6)
6) ATV9 x86 64bit (on Kernel 5.18 + Wifi6)
Build for Haswell or hardware newer. It is possible to launch on AMD Ryzen. There is support for Wifi6. Checked for AX1650i, AX200, AC8265. Most likely Bluetooth and HDMI will not work.
(1) How to install an android without a USB flash drive?
Download YourDroid (app) and follow the instructions.
(2) What should I do when there's no sound?
Settings - > Audio - > Audio output (HDMI / Speakers)
Disabling the "Use Fix Volume" option can help you.
The same you can be done in SoundAbout (app)
(3) HDMI Sound Fix for Nvidia (Atom D520 / 525)
- open /system/etc/ | Search "esac" and wrote down
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'IEC958',0 on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'IEC958',1 on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'IEC958',2 on
alsa_amixer -c1 set 'IEC958',3 on
mv /dev/snd/pcmC1D3p /dev/snd/pcmC1D3p.original
ln -sf /dev/snd/pcmC1D7p /dev/snd/pcmC1D3p
Then save file ( and reboot your android x86.
(4) If there are any problems with the screen resolution.
Settings - > Screen - > Screen Position (resize / overscan)
(5) How to change the screen resolution (+ hertz)
- open /boot/grub/menu.lst | Edit, save and reboot
for HDMI -> video=HDMI-1:1920x1080-32@60D
for Display -> video=LVDS-1:1920x1080-32@60e
HD+ 1360x768 | Quad HD 2560x1440 | 4K 3840x2160
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. General Update

    - Updated the build ATV7 -> (new kernel, bug fixes and launchers) - You can skip the welcome...