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Asset Extract MSI Surface Firmware from Microsoft 2022-12-28

Extract the latest firmware for your Surface product.

Linux environment

Step 1:
Run this command:
sudo apt-get install msitools

Step 2:
Download the latest firmware update from Microsoft for your device. It will be a MSI file around a 190 MB.

Step 3:
You are ready to extract the MSI file open a terminal in your downloads directory.
Enter this command:
msiextract *.msi

Step 4:
You should get a folder that says SurfaceUpdate. Open it and go to the firmware folder you'll see an EC and SAM and TOUCH folders. Empty the contents of each folder into one folder.

Step 5:
Now you're ready to install them to Android-x86. Take the contents of your folder and create a folder here: /system/etc/firmware Add the contents of your folder here and reboot.

That's it you've successfully installed your Microsoft firmware.

Best regards
Ryan Johnson